Cele mai importante aplicații ale unui sistem ERP: când și cum să îl folosești?

You've probably learned by now what an ERP system is and what it means. But have you ever thought about how you can use it in your own business? In the following, we will detail the right time and, especially, how you can use such a system. You can weigh its benefits and implementation costs later.

When to use an ERP system

How do you know when it's time to increase productivity by using an ERP system? Here are some signs that show you that the time has come to implement ERP solutions:
  • You juggle with a lot of software to manage various operations in the company such as sales, accounting, inventory management. It seems that Excel simply can't cope anymore;
  • It is increasingly difficult to obtain information and activity reports, even if you have a fairly large volume of usable data. Their processing takes days, which forces you to act late;
  • You find, more and more often, that you find yourself unable to keep up with your customers' requests;
  • You are consuming more and more money, resources and valuable time to integrate more applications and computer systems. A native integration seems to suit you;
  • Your company has grown or is developing and current systems no longer keep up with your needs;
  • You base your supply estimates on instinct and past experiences, not concrete data. Plus you never know what products you have on stock;
  • You do not have access to a reporting system that shows you where you lose money and where you earn it in the business;
  • You can't easily find out who made the last changes to a document. The disappearance or modification of information without explanation is the order of the day in your company;
  • You often wonder if the processes and procedures in your company are actually followed by employees.

Does one or more of these situations sound familiar to you? Most likely, you need an ERP system. Find out how to choose your supplier for an ERP system and discover, from the following, what you can use it for!

How and what for to use and ERP system

You can use such a system to:
  • Integrate data from various departments and applications into a single centralized system;
  • Automate and streamline a lot of business operations. In this way, you increase productivity by decreasing the time spent on repetitive activities. In addition, you can improve communication between departments;
  • Manage sales by accurately and quickly recording orders, invoices, receipts. This will allow you to access real-time reports to check your inventory at any time;
  • Improve the relationship with human resources by ensuring that the company complies with the legislation on Labor Law and Wages Law. By centralizing the calculation of salaries, contracts, holidays, reports can be obtained much easier;
  • Obtain reports and data analysis thanks to a system that collects and standardizes all relevant information. By correlating a Business Intelligence system, the ability to instantly analyze a huge volume of data will increase exponentially;
  • Transparency all activities, regardless of their specificity. All business flows will be perfectly traceable and easy to manage;
  • Improve accounting, taxation, inventory management, order delivery, production and even customer relations. The last part, the relationship with customers, can be improved by implementing a CRM system that will include data on customer preferences and feedback, as well as information on sales, reversals and receipts.
The advantage is that you can choose the modules you want to benefit from, depending on your needs.