TotalSoft hires a human resources manager with multinational experience

Bucharest, January 23, 2013

Brânduşa Fecioru, former human resources director in companies such as Bayer Romania, Ernst & Young and A&D Pharma Group, takes over the position of HR Director of TotalSoft. Brânduşa Fecioru is a professional sociologist, has a career of over 15 years in human resources and is an associate professor in the Master of Human Resources, University of Bucharest, actively contributing to the development of human resources profession in Romania. 
"The opportunity to work in the IT industry in a prestigious company like TotalSoft, is for me a new professional step as well as a challenge, given the complexity of the industry." says Brânduşa.
In TotalSoft Brânduşa will be responsible for developing the HR strategy that supports the company's international development plans in the medium term. Her priorities include implementing the necessary internal processes and tools, developing career plans, evaluating and improving the employee performance. 
Through this movement, TotalSoft intends to consolidate its position as preferred employer in the Romanian IT industry.