Charisma ERP – news and trends (Piata Financiara Interview)

In order to find out the new features included in Charisma in the past years, we talked to one of the developers of the product.

(Interview with George Daniel Ionescu, Development Manager Charisma ERP)

Mr. Ionescu, could you please tell us, what have you added in Charisma in the past year?

We can talk about both new products and functionalities that can be included in the product to meet some requirements. We continued to develop Charisma for Agriculture, expanding the Livestock module to cover the animal groups, not only those with a serial number.

One of last year’s novelties was that Charisma Retailer entered the gas station market, with Bulrom and Eldomir projects. We developed new functionalities specific to this business and integrated the fuel pump in the system ensuring thus, automatic data transmission.

Last year also, we included in the Charisma’s Asset Management module RFID labels (Radio-Frequency Identification). This new method enables customers to inventory the fixed assets automatically and remotely, using radio waves. Practically, we interface Charisma with a RFID reader, reading remotely the RFID labels pasted on every fixed asset, allowing the identification of the objects missing in the database. This development is specially dedicated to companies holding many fixed assets, such as banks or retailers.

We did not exclude the leasing and credit firms. Thus, we started to standardize the web leasing module, and customize the requirements based on the new TotalSoft framework.

Which are, in your opinion, the tendencies in terms of ERP, which are the expectations regarding these systems, in the next years?


Besides mobility and usability, a clear market tendency, an ace in the hole, is the market for a global software provider, able to offer most of, or all the needed systems. First, to become such provider, you must have an end-to-end solution for the customer’s core business activity, and second, the adds-on and their quality are very important. For instance, our BI solution is based on Tableau Software technology, worldwide leader in data analysis and visualization. It is just one of Charisma’s valuable adds-on.