OTP Leasing business is developed with the support of Charisma

Loredana Rusu

There are various solutions on the Romanian ERP market, but they are not developed according to the requirements of a leasing company. The fact that you can track the contract evolution, from its execution to its completion, represents an advantage of the Charisma Enterprise system

- Loredana Rusu
Deputy CEO - CFO

The company
OTP Leasing Romania is a company relatively new on the Romanian financial market and its major shareholders are Merkantil Bank Hungary, part of Merkantil Group, and OTP Bank Romania. With a turnover of over 36 million Euro, OTP Leasing performs financial leasing services through a wide range of products, such as car leasing, equipment leasing and real estate leasing.

The company's main objective is to become one of the first 10 players on the Romanian leasing market after 2 years of activity, with a minimum market share of 8%.

The situation
The company had already opened 7 branches across the country and was planning to open another three by the end of the year in order to reach the turnover of over 200 million Euro for 2008. Given the nature of its operations, OTP Leasing needed to track all transactions at contract level. Because the company had to track over 4000 active contracts, for which it monthly issued approx. 3500-4000 invoices, the increase in the efficiency of operations needed a dedicated solution, adapted to the specific of each business field.
Because the principle of variable interest was applied, an automatic repositioning process was absolutely necessary, a process that would have relieved the huge work involving 4-5 persons for a couple of days only for this activity.

The solution
The selection of an ERP provider must be carefully done because this field is subject to the specific reports enforced by the National Bank of Romania. For this purpose, the software solution provider must get constantly involved in the application development according to the regulations imposed by this institution. The solution can only come from companies that act as consultants, based on their expertise and sector implementations.
This criterion has ranked TotalSoft on the first place and the company developed the first system of this type in Romania, a system that, after a few years from the launching, has become the leader of the leasing market with almost 85% market share based on the more than 50 implementations performed in Romania and in companies in South-Eastern Europe.
Specialists of the two companies have analyzed OTP 's own leasing processes, adapting Charisma to OTP's own business model. Thus, pre-financing costs are automatically calculated, and basic modules are configured according to the company's internal standards. Furthermore, an eCare customer service solution was developed and configured, enabling an easier communication between the company and its clients through the Internet.

The results
The optimization of work processes and automation of flows have quickly generated an improvement of operational costs. Currently, contract activation is done semi-automatically, after daily reports indicating the contracts that should be activated according to certain conditions predefined by OTP Leasing.

The partnership success of the two companies was awarded this year within the Fin Media Awards, and Charisma was of course the reason for this award.

"Because the billing process is automatic and the data used is retrieved from the system, it is practically impossible to lose information or to encounter various errors. Furthermore, I enjoyed the way we have designed broker invoices. When a broker invoice was registered on a contract, the system did not allow a second registration. This is an easy-to-track transaction, enabling the avoidance of double recordings and the occurrence of errors, such as paying a fee several times" Loredana Rusu, Deputy CEO - CFO, OTP Leasing.

Article published in 2008.