

eExpense Request Approval is a software product especially designed for tracking, controlling and increasing the efficiency of the expenses within a company. The main tools used are the expenditure budgets, order cards, approval flow for the expense requests and the possibility to inquire the internal inventory in real time. The product includes the specific processes for each line of business, easy to adapt to the specific needs of any company. 

  • Reduces financial risk ensuring the control of each acquisition (stopping / limiting / identifying) by establishing an automated validation process;
  • User transparency. Provides quick access for all the employees of the company by posting the expense orders that occurred and their centralization in a single location. 
  • Controls and reduces operational and data migration costs. Connecting and synchronizing with any other ERP system allows the automation and streamlining of procurement management, based on a single database.
  • Reduces the time required for building the expenditure budget. The user friendly interface and / or integration with the already configured ERP system allows quick building of the expenditure budget without any special training.

  • The budget is the structure required by the organizations for defining, planning and controlling of costs over time periods.
  • Irrespective whether they are defined within the eExpense Request Approval application or configured externally in another ERP system, each budget line is assigned a budget owner; 
  • The expense approval flow is flexible and can be tailored to any type of organization, and the actual approval is done in three steps;
  • Charging the expense in the budget account can be done either when the request is initiated or upon its approval, manually or automatically, depending on the company's method of approach.
  • The application has the option to access the internal inventory of materials or storable items, which are managed and stored by the company;
  • Provides a series of pre-configured specialized reports as well as performance indicators to allow a quick monitoring of the expenditure process and allocating the company money;
  • eExpense Request Approval module can be integrated directly with Supplier Contract Management module when the selection of the service supplier and equipment is accepted, and the process does not require prospecting, tracking of procurement processes and / or tenders.


Amethyst Radiotherapy

Amethyst Radiotherapy